Tuesday 8 September 2015

Research as Inquiry

Topic: Investigate the impact for parents who have their children arrested when committed a crime in the Parow Area in the  Western Cape.

 This Frame describes the process by which students/researches ask questions or state problems in order to find answers to contribute to the larger body within a discipline.  This usually involves asking complex questions about a specific research and students also recognize effective research strategies such as motivation, discussion, narration, satisfying, curiosity, thinking-through.

According to Lane Wilkonson, experts see inquiry as a process that focuses on problems or questions in a discipline or between disciplines that are open or unresolved. Experts recognize the collaborative effort within a discipline to extend the knowledge in that field by developing a knowledge base of lines of inquiry, research methodologies, and best practices for conducting research. Many times, this process includes points of disagreement where debate and dialog work to deepen the conversations around knowledge. 

Learning Outcomes

1.       Demonstration of intellectual humility
2.       Organize information in meaningful ways
3.       Synthesize ideas gathered from multiple sources


1.     Students are required to create a vlog before doing a research in which they are required to discuss their knowledge on the topic. They are then required to conduct the research on the specific topic and then revisit their vlog and see how their knowledge has progressed. (This activity speaks to the Disposition demonstration of intellectual humility)

2.     Students are required to find three articles with different authors on the topic with contradicting viewpoints. (This activity speaks to the Disposition of seek multiple perspectives during information gathered from multiple sources)

3.     The students are required to summarise the articles found in activity 2. They then need to create a blog and discuss their findings in a blog entry in order to show their understanding. (This activity speaks to the Knowledge Practice of Synthesize ideas

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