Friday 31 July 2015

LBS 707 - Threshold Concepts

Threshold Concepts 

The class on Tuesday, was an eye-opener for me ideologically, one does not seems to understand a phenomenon you did not experience it, but when you are through the path of what seems impossible and difficult, you can glance back and be proud of what you have achieve. The fact that we will be of the first students to complete this course in Africa has actually made me realize how fortunate we are and that we should put every effort possible to grasp what Ms Mohamed is teaching us.

The term "threshold" in my understand means that there is a door and when you enter, there is much more to learn and gain on the other side, knowledge that you did not have before entering that door. The lecturer shared the five "Threshold Concepts" with the class. 

Transformative - when you learn something new from another disciple it changes the way you think - it involves conceptual shift - it becomes part of who we are, how we see and how we feel. 

Integrative - When a learner make meaningful connections between separate disciplines.

Irreversible - Once a learner understood, the learner is unlikely to unlearn/forget it. 

Bounded - This concept deals with when the boundaries of a particular discipline are unique to the discipline

Troublesome -  When learners think that they understand the work, but yet seems like finding difficulties again as they go along with their studies, for example in their research study, and have to look for other or extra information again.

I was quite excited after the lecture, cannot wait for the lecture of next week.

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